Monday, October 17, 2011

October weather

I like to talk about the weather. Some people believe that we talk about the weather when there is nothing else to say, to fill those awkward quiet moments, but I don’t! I just really like to take note of the elements. The way the clouds are shaped just like a scene from the Simpsons trailer, or the warm wind that lifts my hair gently off my shoulders to swish in front of my face, or the way the light is filtered through yellowish leaves and the corresponding long shadows of the tree trunks. How was the weather yesterday, last year at this time, or when I woke up? I like to discuss it, remember it, be present in it, whatever…. It’s not conversation filler.

After a day of walking around Hanamdong enjoying the perfect fall afternoon, catching up with friends and family the sad and unbelievable happened: 

The loss of my favorite toy! We had a good last go with it, though.  And it’s come at a somewhat acceptable time, because Nathan is going to the States soon and I’ll have him fetch a new one for us.

Happy October to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Hello...A friend of yours? named Marcos became my friend on Twitter and this lead me to your blog. Your pictures are beautiful and make me truly homesick for Korea! Check out my blog to read about my story and please share! And I'm so glad you are enjoying the fall season in Korea!


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