Monday, February 27, 2012

family portrait

It was a joy to do the first batch of family photos for my brother and his lovely wife and son. Little Arthur was in a good mood for photos and the parents are naturally photogenic. Enjoy a glimpse into this happy families new world! 

Nathan Seymour, Irina Ni, Baby Arthur, and Belka the dog.












  1. Amazing!!! You have turned into a seriously awesome photographer! Hope you'll snap some pics of our happy family when I see you next! :-) Miss you!

  2. Emily, you bet. I'll be back in the fall and we can do a shoot! Your little one will be about the age of Arthur in these picture, I think. I look forward to it!

  3. These photos are so beautiful!! You are quite talented my dear, I love seeing life through your lens! ;) xo

  4. OMG. these are really good Nicole! Wanna work my wedding? ha!

  5. yeah I can do your wedding! Lets talk more about it...

  6. we need also good picture's....


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