Monday, May 28, 2012

traveling flea market: Barão de São João

Every so often the traveling flea market pops up in the rural Portuguese towns in the Algarve. They are from all over Europe and even the States or Australia, young and old, have simple or elaborate moving homes, but are all living the nomadic life of the road, taking residence where their wheels stop rolling. 

This particular flea market took place in the town of Barão de São João, in the southwestern most part of Europe. The caravans apparently began to arrive the day before, perhaps a reunion of sorts for many of the travelers, and they party all night before setting up their trash and treasures for the shoppers the next morning.

There was a little bit of everything at this flea market, and my was it a big one! There were tools and toasters, plants and paintings, clothing and couches, handmade jewelry, old records, and painting stations for the children.

the things that you can find at a flea market are really interesting and unexpected, and here is a clear example of the randomness of what you can find:

There were several makeshift restaurants set up, with the accompanying camper-homes serving up cold beer, hot coffee, and fresh local juice to name a few. The food options ranged from veggie burgers to crepes to whole grain cookies and sweets to the occasional 'space cakes'. These hippies had a pretty elaborate set-up! 

And by the mid afternoon they will pack up, move on, I heard some talk of a festival in the woods, others mentioned nearby town for next week, some would take a few weeks off, perhaps. It was a cool glimpse into a different way of life, one of 'the road', and a chance to get some funky treasures and sweet treats.

With love from Portugal, Nicole

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just a quick message from Barão de São João. This way of life, as described in your post is now under threat. In April 2013, the police raided the market, dressed in combat gear and armed with pump-action shot guns. Stall holders were fined, bullied, merchandise was thrown in the bins, guns were pointed at people. This is not what our market is all about, this is also not what our life style is all about. We would like you to sign our petition to give us access to the Portuguese Government and ask them to explain themselves. We would also like you to help us make our situation known and create a wave of peaceful reaction against the destruction of our unique way of life.
    Thank you.


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